red brassiere on white textile
General Information

Your Bra and Your Skeleton

When patients tell me they have upper back and neck pain, I frequently ask about their bra fit. Why? Because a long time ago, I was wearing the wrong size bra and MY back and neck hurt. I met a wonderful person who was a Bra Fitter and explained her profession to me. She educated me that breast tissue needs proper support. Without this, there can be pain in the upper neck and back. 

Being a PT, light bulbs went off for me. Posture is huge. Good posture = a happy body. Poor posture = issues that pop up. Breast tissue can cause an increase in anterior pressure and therefore this posterior pain, ie the neck and back. 

Want to hear something crazy? If you wear a bra, you’re likely wearing the wrong size! Bra Fittings with a skilled specialist can be a game changer.

Most department stores and chain stores do not properly train their employees on how to fit professionally. If they have been trained how to measure for the bra size, they have not been trained to consider the person, their body shape, and how much bra styles vary in the same size. Simply measuring for your bra size is not enough. Most department stores and chain stores do not carry a large enough range of sizes as well. 

My local recommendation is the lovely bra fitters at The Bra Boudoir. These women were trained in NYC by a bra manufacturer from the UK and their amazing team of bra fitting experts. They have done over a thousand bra fittings with different body and breast shapes and carry a realistic size range so we can fit every person into the bra that is best for them.

Hope this was a new thing you learned today! 

If you don’t have breasts but are reading this, think about your partner and getting them a fitting for their next gift!

Perfectly Yours,

Dr. Mo