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Perinatal/ Postpartum,  Pregnancy

The Post Partum PT Check Up: Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

You’ve reached 6 weeks postpartum and your doctor has given you the clearance to return to all of your pre-pregnancy activities. Woohoo. But before you go back to the gym and all your previous sexcapades I’m begging you to go for a Post Partum PT Check Up. 

Please – do not pass go, do not collect $200 YET!

Here are my reasons why…

  1. Assessment of your back, belly, diaphragm, rib cage and pelvic floor after growing a human! Have your PT check your whole body including all of these areas that are drastically affected by pregnancy, labor and delivery.
  2. Treatment of any pregnancy/ birth/ nursing aches and pains. No one should have pain. Women’s body’s go through a very big change during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum and these changes can cause pain and discomfort that needs to be addressed. 
  3. Sex education about your newly changed lady bits. There may be scars. There may be weakness or tightness or both. The hormones are changing and there may be needs for lube. Positional changes and recommendations might make things smoother. 
  4. Bowel and bladder function review. Are your BMs different post baby? Are you leaking pee or gas? Are you constantly urinating or having trouble emptying your bladder? PT can help address all of that.
  5. Return to exercise recommendations. We may want to get our body back and jump into a crazy work out routine, but some guidance to work on the core and pelvic floor can save you issues later on. 
  6. Gross Motor Milestone screening of your baby because you may have questions about what your baby should and is doing developmentally.

So please consider it. After having a baby, your deductible is met, so its the best time insurance wise. Also, if your insurance covers physical therapy, it covers pelvic floor physical therapy! NJ patient’s don’t need a script for the first visit either! So make an appointment at that 6 week mark and do your future self a big favor!

Perfectly Yours,

Dr. Mo