General Information

Welcome to Practically Perfect!

Welcome to Practically Perfect Physical Therapy Consulting! You may have been following along from our infancy or you may just be tuning in now. I am all about helping you get care as easily, quickly and affordably as possible. My goal is to have you feeling practically perfect in your body no matter what physical therapy related issues you might be having. I offer a free consultation so we can see if the services I offer are right for you. Not everyone knows all the different niches of physical therapy that exist; but I have experience in quite a few of them, including pelvic health and pediatrics. No question is too big or small. You can count on me to always give you the most honest and straightforward answer I can. Lastly, if you don’t feel you need my services but want to help my dream grow, please share Practically Perfect Physical Therapy’s information with your family and friends. Thank you!