
What is a manual therapy? What is a certified manual therapist? What does “CIMT” mean??

Written by Jessica Soltys, PT, MPT, CIMT

As a long time physical therapist and certified integrated manual therapist (CIMT), I often get asked “what is a manual therapist?” That got me thinking about what would be the easiest way to explain this concept and niche of therapy to my patients. 

Let’s start with what to expect with your visits. As a CIMT, we utilize a “test-treat-retest” model. At the beginning of your session, I will take a detailed history and run you through tests, as well as assess body movements. Don’t worry, I will explain each test and walk you through what is needed to perform it. Once manual therapy techniques are chosen to address your issues, I will then retest to see if your pain has improved. This may include testing of positions that normally exacerbate your pain symptoms. 

Assessment includes looking at pain issues through the “Joint-Muscle-Fascia-Compensation” model. We are looking for the “driver” of your pain. Sometimes, we have to think outside the box and look to see if other areas of the body are contributing to your pain. Did you know that a pelvic alignment issue could cause shoulder pain. 

Once we get the pain under control, then the real work begins. This requires patient involvement. We teach you how to stabilize to prevent further pain. It’s like building a house, if the foundation is not stable then things will begin to break down as the forces of life occur around it. Think about a beach house with a failing foundation, shaking on the shoreline.

Our final goal is to prepare you to return to activity. These could be goals for things like cleaning your house, performing job activities, running a marathon. We want you to be able to do whatever it is that you want to do, we make every effort for you to get back to those things. Even if it’s being able to do the things we don’t want to do, like cleaning toilets or scrubbing floors! 

I think many of the factors mentioned above could be included in the sessions of many physical therapists, chiropractors or massage therapists, but the take-away is that you should expect a lot of hands-on treatment during your visit with a CIMT and that you will be super involved in your sessions. Our hope is that one day you won’t need us and can live life the way you want, doing the things you love! Always remember this manual therapist is here if things slide back or pain gets in the way!

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