crop faceless man making proposal and presenting ring to girlfriend
General Information

My Pelvic Health Knowledge Doesn’t Make Me a Sex Goddess

Welcome to my “Keeping It Real Part Two” where we will discuss how my knowledge of pelvic floor things doesn’t make me a sex goddess.

Soooooo…..let’s talk about people’s assumptions about my marriage and my sex life based on my job and professional specialty. 

“You must be the perfect wife.”

I get this one a lot from my male patients because of my ability to empathize and understand their pelvic floor struggle. I crush those thoughts real quick. I remind my patients that if they have not talked to their partner, they have not given them the chance to be supportive. I remind them that a happy spouse makes a happy house. A partner in the dark will probably not feel included and may come off as angry, resentful or unsupportive. My ability to listen to a patient for 45 minutes is different from my participation in my marriage. Do not for one second think that I don’t nag my husband, roll my eyes, hold a grudge, passively aggressively sass him, and overall be the Lucy Ricardo to his Ricky.

I think my female patients probably don’t think I’m the perfect wife. I encourage them to be open, up front and honest, even if they think they’re being annoying or too brazen. I try to empower them to ask for what they need/ want and to communicate what isn’t working whether that means help with the chores, the kids and sexual favors. I encourage these things because I have learned how important they are in a long term relationship. 

“Your sex life must be really exciting.”

I’m a pelvic floor PT, not a porn star. My sex life is personal between myself and my husband. I’d probably share more but he likes his privacy and I respect that. Although I express the message that intimacy should be accessible to everyone that would like to engage in it, either solo or with a consenting partner, it is not an invitation into my own PERSONAL intimate life. 

But don’t think you’re missing out on any secrets I won’t share. Just don’t go looking for something beyond ideas for foreplay, lubrication, the sexual response cycle, how your body and mind interact with sex, books to help you feel closer to your partner, positions and devices that might make intimacy with your partner work if there is a medically based reason. 

I’m here to help you have the best intimate life you can from a pelvic health PT perspective and I promise to share all of those secrets when asked!

Perfectly Yours,

Dr. Mo