
Guest Blog: That’s Sew Rad Designs and the Rad Therapy Wrap

I know my main topics are Pelvic Health and Pediatrics, but as a PT I also deal with clients who just suffer with a variety of aches and pains. One of the most simple ways to treat these, aside from stretches to lengthen and calm the tissues and exercises to re-educate postural alignment, is MODALITIES.

What is a modality? There are a whole bunch in the PT world, but the most basic and my usual go to choices, especially working virtually, are the application of heat and cold therapy.

Imagine how excited I was, when one of my best friends started making a product that provides a quality, affordable, reusable and adorable option for heat and cold therapy application in the home.

Today’s blog post was provided by the owner of That’s Sew Rad Designs, Jennifer Radwanski.

Jennifer writes:

My name is Jen and I am the owner of That’s Sew Rad Designs LLC. I am a mother of two and I work full time as a higher education administrator. My husband is my biggest supporter and was the one who really pushed me to start my business a number of years ago.

Back in college I tore my ACL.  I remember that during my months of physical therapy there were time that I needed ice after my sessions but sometimes I also needed heat therapy.  I had different packs for both and I remember my ice wrap always making a mess as it defrosted.  A few years later someone introduced me to corn therapy wraps.  As someone who loved to sew I decided to figure out how to make them myself.  Now I sell them through my Etsy shop. 

Corn therapy wraps are great because they can be used for hot or cold therapy.  It can be kept in the freezer and also be heated in the microwave.  At either temperature it never makes a mess and is easy to store.  In addition to using the wrap for everyday aches and pains it is also great for just cooling off or warming up.  I love throwing mine in the microwave and just sitting with it on my lap in the winter as I watch tv at night.

These therapy wraps are my biggest seller at the holidays. They make great teacher gifts or gifts for that family member that seems to have everything.  Make sure to get yourself one and one for each of your family members.    

Jennifer’s Therapy Wraps can be found at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThatsSewRadDesigns?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=17223392&fbclid=IwAR0UUzPILx5cZ1eq_oVuiNhNma9x_oxTvgwI2grNJDmQ0nVScGalBPj5RZ4

For more handmade items visit “ThatsSewRadDesigns” at Etsy.com, like my Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/ThatsSewRadDesigns or follow @ThatsSewRadDesigns on Instagram.