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General Information,  Male Pelvic Health,  Pelvic Health

Oh, Oh, Its Magic…The Benefits of Orgasm

I’m sure some folks saw this post’s title and kept scrolling, but for those of you who are here…thanks for being brave and welcome to the fun!

Being a Pelvic Health specialist, I spend a good majority of my week working on sexual function. Part of that involves helping clients learn to reach orgasm, at home, whether by themselves or with a partner. 

Some people have no difficulty reaching orgasm, and that is a wonderful thing. But at least 50% plus of individuals experience some sort of sexual dysfunction in their lifetimes, whether they are male or female. I hear women all the time feeling shame for not being able to have an orgasm with intercourse. I also hear men, having orgasm issues all their own. Pelvic Floor PT can help with a variety of these issues to help these things to improve at home.

topless woman closing her eyes
Photo by Valeria Boltneva on Pexels.com

Today I wanted to talk about the BENEFIT of orgasms because why not?

  1. Stress relief – sexual activity, whether solo or with a partner helps you think of things other than the daily stressors of life
  2. Endorphin release to stimulate neurotransmitters for positive thoughts to combat depression and anxiety
  3. Engagement of pelvic floor muscles for increased pelvic floor muscle strengthening, endurance and coordination
  4. Increased blood flow to the pelvic floor area to help with care and healing of the tissues
  5. Releases prolactin which can induce sleep for a good nap or a restful night’s sleep
  6. Increases libido by training your pelvic floor and brain that sexual activity is fun
  7. Increases cardiovascular circulation which is good for the body as a whole
  8. Can help with menstrual cramps if you’re experiencing them by helping the uterus to relax 
  9. Studies show improvement in cognitive function with regular sexual activity
  10. If it is with a partner, it increases the feeling of connection/ closeness 
  11. Can lower the risk of prostate cancer in men
  12. Can help to boost fertility for men and women
  13. Some studies show improved immune function 
  14. Can raise levels of Estrogen which helps the skin by protecting collagen for women
  15. Improved pain threshold for men and women
  16. Research shows a link between increased sexual activity and lower weight (assessed with hip and waist circumference) for men and women

See all the good things that can happen from a pretty basic human function!?!? 

So if you’re having problems in this area, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. We can talk about ways to increase the pelvic floor muscle strength, blood flow and stretch anything that may need to be relaxed.

Have a Practically Perfect Day!

Dr. Mora